Easy recipe with "Chinese cabbage and tuna namul" range!
Introducing the recipe of "Chinese cabbage and tuna namul" that you can easily and deliciously eat Chinese cabbage. It's very easy to make in the microwave.
Material ( For 2 people )
Chinese cabbage 250g (8.82oz)
Boiled tuna 1 can (60g)
Chicken glass soup base 2 tsp
White sesame 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil 1 tsp
Chinese cabbage and tuna namul

Chinese cabbage that can be used for various dishes in Japanese, Western and Chinese. Introducing the recipe of "Chinese cabbage and tuna namul" that you can easily and deliciously eat such Chinese cabbage. It's very easy to make in the microwave.

Chinese cabbage and tuna namul


Chinese cabbage 250g (8.82oz)
Boiled tuna 1 can (60g (2.12oz))
2 teaspoons of chicken glass soup
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
1 teaspoon of sesame oil

How to make

1. Cut Chinese cabbage into bite-sized pieces that are easy to eat. Put it in a heat-resistant container, wrap it, and heat it in a microwave oven at 500W for 4 minutes.

Chinese cabbage chopped into bite-sized pieces

2. Thoroughly drain the water from the heated Chinese cabbage. Also drain the tuna cans.

3. Mix Chinese cabbage, tuna, chicken glazed sesame seeds, white sesame seeds, and sesame oil to complete.

Chinese cabbage and tuna namul

What is the taste of Chinese cabbage and tuna namul?

Moist and fresh Chinese cabbage and tuna with umami go well together. It is finished in a addictive taste with the umami and saltiness of chicken gala. Accented with the aroma of double sesame oil and white sesame.

Chinese cabbage and tuna namul

When the Chinese cabbage is heated, it becomes crunchy and the amount decreases, so it is recommended to use plenty of it to make it. Please use it as a consumption recipe when you buy a whole Chinese cabbage and have a surplus.