"Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato soup boiled" recipe! The sweetness of cabbage and the umami of chicken stand out.
Introducing the recipe of "Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup" that combines chicken wings, cabbage and tomatoes. Bring out the flavor of the ingredients with simple seasoning.
Material ( For 2 people )
Chicken wings 6
water 2 cups
cabbage 1/4 piece
tomato 1 large
Salt and pepper Appropriate amount
Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

Introducing the recipe of "Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup" that combines chicken wings, cabbage and tomatoes. Bring out the flavor of the ingredients with simple seasoning.

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

Ingredients (for 2 people)

6 chicken wings, 2 cups of water, 1/4 cabbage, 1 large tomato, salt and pepper

How to make chicken wings, cabbage and tomato soup

Put chicken wings and water in a pan and heat.

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

After boiling, remove the lye and simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes.

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

Cut cabbage into 2-4 equal combs and tomatoes into 6-8 combs and add to the pan.

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

Cover the pot and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the lid once on the way and turn the vegetables upside down. When the cabbage is tender, season with salt and pepper to complete. Serve on a plate.

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

What is the taste of chicken wings, cabbage and tomatoes boiled in soup?

Chicken wings, cabbage and tomato boiled in soup

A gentle taste that spreads the umami of chicken and the sweetness of cabbage. The sweet and sour taste of tomatoes adds an accent. It is a recipe that brings out the flavor of the ingredients with a very simple seasoning of salt and pepper. Also recommended for breakfast.