Chicken wings 3 recipes for braised chicken wings

Here is a collection of recipes for simmered dishes using chicken wings. There are three recipes: "Chicken Wings and Chinese Cabbage in Mentsuyu", "Chicken Wings in Samgetang Style", and "Chicken Wings in Ume Plum Sauce".

Braised Chicken Wings and Chinese Cabbage in Mentsuyu

Here is a recipe for "Chicken Wings and Chinese Cabbage in Men-tsuyu Soup. The umami of chicken is matched by the rich yet refreshing flavor of men-tsuyu. The sauce is seasoned with men-tsuyu, so there is no need to make any mistakes.

Chicken wings 3 recipes for braised chicken wings

]]For more detailed recipe, click here " Chicken Wings and Chinese Cabbage Simmered in Mentsuyu".

Chicken Wing Samgyetang Style

This is a recipe for "Chicken Wing Samgyetang Style," a Korean dish using chicken wings stewed in a samgyetang style. You can enjoy the tender meat and the umami-rich broth even without soup stock.

Chicken wings 3 recipes for braised chicken wings

]For a detailed recipe, click here " Chicken Wing Samgyetang Style".

Braised Chicken Wings with Ume Plum

Here is a recipe for "Braised Chicken Wings with Ume Plum. Moist chicken wings, melted leeks and green peppers, and the sweet and sour taste of ume plum are added for a refreshing finish.

Chicken wings 3 recipes for braised chicken wings

]For detailed recipe, click here " Chicken Wings in Ume Plum Sauce".