3 pork rib recipes

Introducing recipes using pork ribs. There are 3 dishes: "Simmered pork rose and this range with horse salt", "Stir-fried pork rose with basil", and "Simmered pork rose and sweet potato with honey lemon".

This range of pork roses boiled in salt

A recipe for "pork rose tokinoko range horse salt boiled" that can be easily made from one person in the microwave. This combination of moist and tender pork ribs and chewy texture.

Pork rib recipe "Pork ribs Tokinoko range Uma salt boiled"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Pork rose tokinoko range horse salt boiled "

Stir-fried pork eggplant with basil

A simple recipe of "stir-fried pork rose eggplant with basil" that uses basil in a combination of pork and eggplant that goes well with each other. The refreshing scent advances the chopsticks.

Pork rib recipe "stir-fried pork ribs with basil"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Stir-fried pork eggplant with basil "

Pork rose and sweet potato honey simmered in lemon

A recipe for "pork roses and sweet potatoes simmered in honey lemon" that combines rich pork roses, refreshing lemons, and sweet potatoes. The balance between the umami of pork, the sweetness of sweet potatoes, and the acidity of lemon is exquisite.

Pork rib recipe "pork ribs and sweet potato honey lemon boiled"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Pork rose and sweet potato honey lemon boiled "