Simple recipe "Toro Toro pork sparerib stew"

It's easy because you can make it with a rice cooker! Here are three "rice cooker recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Pork spare rib stew" and "Toro Toro beef tendon stew" etc. * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe page.

Toro Toro beef tendon stew

A simple "Toro Toro beef tendon stew " recipe using a rice cooker.

"Toro Toro beef tendon stew" recipe

The fat is plump and the lean is comfortable and crisp. Every time you chew, the rich flavor of beef oozes out, and you can have a delicious stewed beef tendon that can be served at an izakaya!

Stewed pork spareribs

A simple recipe "Toro Toro Pork Spare Ribs Stew " just by pressing a switch with a rice cooker.

Simple recipe "Toro Toro pork sparerib stew"

The lean part is soft and the fat part is thick. The sweet and rich taste is irresistible, with the rich taste soaked to the core. It is endlessly rice advance!

Khao Man Gai

A "Khao Man Gai " recipe that can be made simply by putting all the ingredients in a rice cooker and cooking.

"Khao Man Gai" recipe

The chicken is moist, juicy and tender, and the plumply cooked rice contains chicken stock one by one, and the rich flavor that overflows as you chew! The slight spiciness of ginger tightens the taste after it is slightly thick.