Recipe for "stir-fried pork rose perilla with miso"

Here are three "pork rose recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Stir-fried pork roses with miso" and "stir-fried pork roses and garlic sprouts". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article page.

Stir-fried pork rose perilla with miso

Recipe of " stir-fried pork ribs with miso " using pork ribs and perilla.

Recipe for "stir-fried pork rose perilla with miso"

The combination of rich pork roses and sweet miso flavor is accented with the refreshing flavor of perilla! It is rich and has a rich and advanced taste of rice. The recipe is full of volume and is recommended as a side dish for lunch boxes.

Stir-fried pork roses and garlic sprouts

Let's add stamina with garlic sprouts! Recipe for " stir-fried pork roses and garlic sprouts".

Recipe for "stir-fried pork roses and garlic sprouts"

I love garlic! It is a dish where you can enjoy the texture of crispy garlic sprouts, pork with the richness of soy sauce and the punchy flavor of garlic, and the sweetness of onions. Perfect when you want to add stamina!

Stir-fried pork konjac

"Stir-fried pork konnyaku " recipe using pork ribs and konnyaku.

"Stir-fried pork konjac" recipe

The konnyaku, which is soaked in the taste, has a sweet and spicy taste every time you chew it. Combined with the delicious taste of pork ribs, it has an irresistible rich taste. Refreshing green onions and crispy white sesame are good accents. This recipe is also recommended for side dishes, bento boxes, and sake snacks!