Salmon recipe "Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice"

Introducing recipes using salmon. "Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice" "Salmon and sweet potato cream boiled" "Salmon mayo bread powder grilled".

Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice

"Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice" recipe that can be easily made by leaving it to the rice cooker. The umami and saltiness of salmon and the mellow flavor of garlic and butter are irresistible.

Salmon recipe "Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice "

Boiled salmon and sweet potatoes in cream

Introducing the "salmon and sweet potato cream boiled" recipe that combines salmon and sweet potatoes. A creamy finish that is thick with milk, grated cheese, butter, etc. You can easily make it with a frying pan.

Salmon recipe "Salmon and sweet potato cream boiled"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Salmon and sweet potato cream boiled "

Grilled salmon mayo bread powder

"Salmon mayo bread crumbs grilled" recipe that you can enjoy the contrast between the crispy texture of bread crumbs and the moist texture of salmon. Parsley mixed with bread crumbs spreads the refreshing flavor, and mayonnaise applied to salmon enhances the richness and moistness.

Salmon recipe "Salmon mayo bread powder grilled"

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Salmon Mayo bread powder grilled "