Summary of "Ooba Recipe"

We have compiled a recipe using "Ooba", which is characterized by its refreshing flavor. Three dishes, "Grilled chicken breast with salt," "Tuna salad with perilla radish," and "Easy horse miso with perilla." Both are the perfect taste for summer.

Refreshing flavor! Perilla recipe summary

Grilled chicken breast with perilla

Summary of "Ooba Recipe"

The refreshing salty taste that enhances the taste of chicken and the refreshing flavor of perilla leaves are a perfect match! This is a recipe for "grilled chicken breast with salt". The chicken breast is soaked and sprinkled with potato starch to give it a moist and soft texture.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Grilled chicken breast with perilla "

Perilla radish tuna salad

Summary of "Ooba Recipe"

"Ooba radish tuna salad" recipe that goes well with the rich flavor of tuna mayo and the refreshing flavor of perilla. With the help of the crispy texture, this is a dish that makes chopsticks go well.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Ooba radish tuna salad "

Easy horse miso

Summary of "Ooba Recipe"

A simple recipe using perilla, "Ooba miso". It goes well with rice, bread, tofu, hot vegetables, etc. Can be stored in a tapper for about a week in the refrigerator.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Easy horse miso "