Broccoli recipe summary

This is a summary of simple recipes for "broccoli" that are lined up in supermarkets at reasonable prices these days. "Broccoli plum gatsuo garlic", "broccoli bonito flakes with mayonnaise" and "broccoli bonito flakes with mayonnaise".

Broccoli plum gatsuo garlic

Great for snacks! A simple recipe "broccoli plum gatsuo garlic" that can be made by simply mixing. The taste of dried bonito and the acidity of plums match the broccoli.

Broccoli recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Broccoli plum gatsuo garlic "

Spicy broccoli and shimeji mushrooms

This is a recipe for "spicy broccoli and shimeji mushrooms" that you can make quickly in the microwave. It's easier to use pre-cut frozen broccoli.

Broccoli recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Spicy broccoli and shimeji mushrooms "

Broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise

A simple recipe for broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise, "Broccoli with dried bonito and mayonnaise". The random taste of broccoli with a complex shape and sauce is attractive.

Broccoli recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Broccoli with dried bonito mayonnaise "