Hokuhoku mellow! Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise
"Potato with salted kelp mayonnaise" recipe that wraps potatoes with mellow mayonnaise and salted kelp. It's easy but it's delicious.
Material ( For 3-4 people )
Potatoes 300g (10.58oz)
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
Salt kelp 10g (0.35oz)
Black pepper Appropriate amount
"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

"Potato with salted kelp mayonnaise" recipe that wraps potatoes with mellow mayonnaise and salted kelp. It's easy but it's delicious.

Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise


Potato 300g (10.58oz)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Salt kelp 10g (0.35oz)
Appropriate amount of black pepper

How to make

Wash the potatoes, boil them in the microwave or pan until they are soft, heat them, and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Peeling should be easy to work with before and after heating.

"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

Add mayonnaise and salted kelp to the potatoes and mix.

"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

Serve on a plate and sprinkle with black pepper to complete.

"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

What is its taste?

The potatoes are wrapped in mellow mayo and the mouthfeel is moist. When you chew it, it's fluffy. You can enjoy a changing texture.

"Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise" recipe

At first, it is rich with the umami of salted kelp and the richness of mayonnaise, but the potatoes are softened and the aftertaste is gentle. The recipe is not as strong as potato salad, so the flavor of potatoes is also enhanced. Not only is it freshly warm, but it tastes good even when cooled. It is also recommended as a snack or lunch box!