Garibata soy sauce recipe

The punchy taste is behind! We have compiled a recipe for seasoning that combines garlic, butter, and soy sauce. "Garlic butter steak of chicken breast" "Garlic butter steak of radish" "Garlic butter steak of green onion" "Garlic butter steak of new onion" 4 dishes.

Chicken breast soy sauce steak

Garibata soy sauce recipe

Seasoned with garlic, butter, and soy sauce, the protein breast is rich. Recommended when you want to enjoy plenty of meat while saving money.
]] Click here for a detailed recipe of "Chicken Breast Garibata Soy Sauce Steak"

Radish garlic butter steak

Garibata soy sauce recipe

Radish, which usually tends to be seasoned gently, can be transformed into a wild and punchy radish steak by baking it with garlic butter.
]] Click here for a detailed recipe for "radish garlic butter steak"

Stir-fried green onion with garlic butter

Garibata soy sauce recipe

Easy and easy with just long onions! It is a menu that has a crispy texture and a rich garlic butter soy sauce flavor.
]] Click here for detailed recipe of "stir-fried garlic butter with green onions"

New onion garlic butter steak

Garibata soy sauce recipe

Delicious new onions in spring. It's a simple recipe that you just bake in butter and entangle with garlic soy sauce.
]] "New onion garlic butter steak" Click here for detailed recipe