Simple recipe for "konnyaku simmered in a microwave oven" - just ding and leave it alone
Simply mix the konnyaku with the sauce and microwave. If you leave the konnyaku in the microwave, the flavor will soak in and you can enjoy the taste of simmered food.
Material ( For 2 persons )
solidified jelly made from the rhizome of devil's tongue (konnyaku) 1 pack
noodle soup 1.5 tablespoons
vinegar 1/2 tablespoon
sugar 1/2 tablespoon
sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon
Konnyaku in microwave recipe
seasoned and delicious

Healthy, yet filling, konjac. Low in calories and high in dietary fiber, konjac is a strong ally of dieters. Oden and other "simmered dishes" are the most popular dishes using konjac, but they tend to be avoided because they are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Then, why not use a microwave oven to make "konjac simmered in a microwave oven" in a super easy way?

Konnyaku-ni-ni (

konjac simmered in a microwave oven) recipe


The recipe is based on the one from Pal System Co-op.

1 package konjac
1.5 tablespoons mentsuyu
1/2 tablespoons vinegar
1/2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil


Tear konjac with a spoon and place in a heatproof bowl.

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

Add mentsuyu, vinegar, sugar, and sesame oil to the bowl with konnyaku, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave for 5 minutes. After heating, leave it to cool naturally and let the flavors blend. You can also give it a rough mix so that the sauce is incorporated throughout.

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

Serve on a plate and it is ready to eat!

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

How does it taste?

Yum! The konnyaku is smooth and smooth to the touch, and has a pleasant crunchy texture when chewed. The sweet and spicy sauce soaks into the konnyaku and gives it the taste of simmered food, even though it is only cooked in the microwave. You can sprinkle some shichimi (seven spice) on it if you like!

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

Konnyaku in microwave recipe

It's so easy to make that it's recommended as a side dish for bento. If you store it in a storage container in the refrigerator, it will last about 3 days.