Home   »   Recipe   »   Lotus root   »   Summary of lotus root recipes: "Sauteed lotus root with mentaiko cheese", "Grilled salmon and lotus root", "Sauteed minced pork and lotus root with vinegar", etc.

Summary of lotus root recipes: "Sauteed lotus root with mentaiko cheese", "Grilled salmon and lotus root", "Sauteed minced pork and lotus root with vinegar", etc.

grilled and soaked salmon and lotus root

Here is a collection of recipes for lotus root. There are five recipes: "Sauteed lotus root with mentaiko cheese", "Grilled salmon and lotus root", "Sauteed minced pork and lotus root with vinegar", "Grilled lotus root with crunchy cheese", and "Sauteed lotus root and leek with salted kelp".

Sauteed lotus root with thick cheese

This is a simple recipe for stir-fried lotus root with mentaiko cheese. The crunchy and light texture of the lotus root is melted with cheese. If you use spicy cod roe, it will give it a spicy and mature taste.

]]For a detailed review, click here " Renkon Mentaiko Cheese Stir-Fry ".

Grilled Salmon and Radish

This is a recipe for grilled salmon and lotus root. It has a deep flavor with the freshness of green onions and the spiciness of hawk's claws. The vinegar gives it a refreshing aftertaste.

]]For a detailed review, click here " Baked Salmon and Radish

Sauteed Minced Pork and Radish with Vinegar

This is a recipe for "Sauteed Minced Pork and Radish with Vinegar". This is a recipe for stir-fried minced pork and lotus root with vinegar, which brings out the flavor of the minced meat, the crunchy texture of the lotus root, and the refreshing taste of the vinegar. It's easy to make, and the taste is irresistible.

]]For a detailed review, click here " Sauteed Minced Pork and Renkon with Vinegar ".

Crunchy Cheese Baked Lotus Root

This is a recipe for crunchy grilled lotus root with cheese. The crunchiness of the cheese and the crispiness of the lotus root make it an addictive snack dish.

]]Click here for a detailed review of "Crunchy Cheese Baked Radish".

Sauteed lotus root and leek with salted kelp

Sauteed lotus root and leeks with salted kelp" is perfect as a side dish for rice or as an accompaniment to beer. This is a recipe that lets you enjoy the deliciousness of salted kelp packed with flavor. The sesame oil that drifts in the air is an appetizing aroma.

]]For a detailed review, click here " Sauteed lotus root and green onion with salted kelp ".
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