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[Recipe] Easy "Lentin Yudofu" Put it in a heat-resistant container and make it quickly! A perfect dish for cold days

Easy "Lentin Yudofu" Put it in a heat-resistant container and make it quickly! A perfect dish for cold days

A simple recipe that you can quickly make in the microwave! Introducing "Lentin Yudofu". It is a dish that can be made immediately by putting vegetables and tofu in the refrigerator in a heat-resistant container and lentin.

Material ( For 1 person )
tofu 1/2 chome
Ingredients such as your favorite vegetables As much as it fits in the container
Your favorite seasoning such as ponzu all you want
water 200cc-300cc
Japanese-style granules 1/2 teaspoon

A simple recipe that you can quickly make in the microwave! Introducing "Lentin Yudofu". It is a dish that can be made immediately by putting vegetables and tofu in the refrigerator in a heat-resistant container and lentin.

Lentin Yudofu


Tofu 1/2 chome Ingredients such as vegetables of your choice Seasoning of your choice such as ponzu as much as you can put in the container Water 200cc ~ 300cc as much as you like
Japanese-style granules, 1/2 teaspoon

How to make

Cut the tofu and vegetables to the size you like.

Put water and Japanese-style granule soup stock in a heat-resistant container, and put tofu and vegetables. Wrap it gently and heat it in the microwave (500W) for 4-5 minutes.

Serve in a bowl (it's OK as it is) and it's done! Enjoy with your favorite seasoning!


It's very easy because you can make it in the microwave immediately. You can enjoy vegetables and tofu all at once. It may be good when you want to organize things in the refrigerator. Ponzu, sesame sauce, shichimi pepper, and yuzu pepper can be eaten with your favorite taste according to the mood of the day, so it is a recipe that is easy to incorporate into your daily menu. It is also recommended when you want to get plenty of vegetables.

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