Home   »   Tasting   »   Curry   »   [Tasting] Kagome "Keema curry with soybean meat" "Vegetable curry with 3 kinds of beans" No animal ingredients used! Rich spicy & plenty of ingredients to eat

[Tasting] Kagome "Keema curry with soybean meat" "Vegetable curry with 3 kinds of beans" No animal ingredients used! Rich spicy & plenty of ingredients to eat

Review Kagome "Keema Curry with Soy Meat" and "Vegetable Curry with 3 Kinds of Beans". It is a vegetable retort curry made from plant materials without blending animal ingredients. The purchase price at a supermarket in Tokyo is 298 yen (excluding tax). Transfer them to a water bath or heat-resistant container and heat them in a microwave oven to eat.

Keema curry with soy meat

Curry with stir-fried vegetables (onions, carrots, celery), tomato paste, and vegetable stock. It contains plenty of soy meat like minced meat.

A sweet, rich and rich taste that enhances the sweetness and umami of vegetables. You can feel the spiciness and it is authentic. The soybean meat is used instead of minced meat and has plenty of ingredients. The aftertaste is lighter than that of meat, but the flavor of soybeans melts into the curry, and the reproducibility is so high that you wouldn't notice that it wasn't meat unless you told it.

Vegetable curry of 3 kinds of beans

A curry with tomato paste and vegetable stock mixed in with stir-fried onions. It contains 3 kinds of beans as ingredients.

This is also a rich taste with a spicy and sweet richness. It's rich and mellow, and I think it's a taste that people who like butter chicken curry will love. Plenty of beans are included and the response to eating is perfect. You can enjoy a chewy texture.

Although the taste is rich, the aftertaste is light because it is made only of plant materials. It is a perfect curry for summer. It seems to be useful when you want to save meat!
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