Kracifoods "Yaki-Amaguri Kirettekitate Shitatte" (Baked Sweet Chestnuts)

Kracifoods will release "Yaki-Amaguri Mukidatta Dekidatta" as an autumn/winter limited edition of "Amaguri Mukidatta" at supermarkets and drugstores. The product will go on sale on August 22.

Yaki-Amaguri Dekichattemade

Yaki-Amaguri Dekichattemashita" is a smoked sweet chestnut with a slightly salty flavor. Each bag contains 82kcal and 2.6g (0.21oz) of ingredient-derived dietary fiber, making it a perfect snack for health-conscious consumers.

In addition, "Amaguri Mukidatta" will be available in a new package for the fall and winter season from August 22. To make the product even tastier in fall and winter, it is labeled "#Hokuhokku Yaki Amaguri (roasted sweet chestnuts)" and a "recipe for a little extra" using a microwave oven is introduced on the back.

You can enjoy even more delicious taste just by microwaving, "Yaki-Amaguri Dekitate Shitatte". It is a good snack for fall and winter. Why not pick one up when you see it?