Recipe for Shrimp and Vermicelli with Spring Onion Sauce! Crispy and refreshing with bean sprouts and cucumbers
This is a recipe for Shrimp and Vermicelli with Negi Dare, a combination of shrimp, vermicelli, bean sprouts and cucumber. The vinegar-infused scallion sauce gives it a refreshing taste.
Material ( For two people )
shelled shrimp (that have also had their heads removed) 150g (5.29oz)
thin noodles made from bean starch (or potato starch) 40g (1.41oz)
bean sprouts 100g (3.53oz)
home town one (object)
green onion 1/4 bottle
Vinegar, sugar, soy sauce 1.5 Tbsp.
sesame oil 2 teaspoons
Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

This is a recipe for Shrimp and Vermicelli with Spring Onion Sauce, a combination of shrimp, vermicelli, bean sprouts and cucumber. The vinegar-infused scallion sauce gives it a refreshing taste.

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

150g (5.29oz) peeled shrimp
40g (1.41oz) vermicelli
100g (3.53oz) bean sprouts
1 cucumber
1/4 long green onion
1.5 tbsp vinegar, sugar, soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce Directions

Soak harusame in boiling water, drain off hot water and cut into bite-sized pieces. Boil bean sprouts briefly in salted water and drain. Cut cucumber into thin strips. Finely chop spring onions.

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

Boil the shrimp until red and drain in a colander.

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

Mix green onions, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce and sesame oil in a bowl or tupperware container.

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

Add the vermicelli, bean sprouts, cucumber, and shrimp and mix well.

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

How does Shrimp and Vermicelli with Spring Onion Sauce taste?

Shrimp and vermicelli with scallion sauce

This is a lively dish with the texture of plump shrimp, smooth vermicelli, crunchy bean sprouts and cucumber. The sweet and spicy taste of sugar and soy sauce is complemented by the acidity of vinegar. It is also recommended as a side dish on days when the main dish is too rich.