A simple recipe for "Fried Shrimp and Edamame with Salt" using peeled shrimp and frozen edamame!
Here is a recipe for "Fried Shrimp and Edamame with Salt," a combination of plump shrimp, crunchy spring onions, and crunchy edamame. The simple salt flavor enhances the umami of the shrimp and edamame.
Material ( For two people )
shelled shrimp (that have also had their heads removed) 200g (7.05oz)
green onion one (object)
Frozen Edamame 80g net
Salt and pepper proper quantity
sake 1 teaspoon
Olive oil, potato starch 1 tablespoon
Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

Here is a recipe for "Fried Shrimp and Edamame with Salt," a combination of plump shrimp, crunchy spring onions, and crunchy edamame. The simple salt flavor enhances the umami of the shrimp and edamame.

Sauteed Shrimp and Edamame with Salt

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

200g (7.05oz) peeled shrimp
1 long green onion
80g (2.82oz) net frozen edamame
Salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon sake
1 tbsp olive oil and potato starch

Sauteed Shrimp and Edamame with Salt Directions

Sprinkle shrimp with salt, pepper and sake, and sprinkle potato starch on the surface.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

Cut green onions diagonally into 1cm pieces. Remove the edamame from the shell.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the spring onions.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

When the leeks have softened, add the shrimp and saute.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

When the color of the shrimp turns red, add the edamame and stir-fry briefly.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

How does Fried Shrimp and Edamame with Salt taste?

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

A combination of plump shrimp, crispy spring onions, and crunchy edamame. The simple salt flavor enhances the umami of the shrimp and edamame. The red of the shrimp, the white of the spring onions, and the green of the edamame give this dish a beautiful color. It is also recommended as a snack to accompany alcoholic beverages.