Stir-fried Shrimp and Tomatoes with Curry" Recipe

Here are three shrimp recipes that the En-eating editorial team has actually made and found to be delicious. The following are three recipes that the editors of En Eats actually enjoyed making: "Sauteed shrimp and edamame with salt," "Braised turnip and shrimp in milk," and "Sauteed shrimp and tomato in curry. If you click on the link of each recipe, you will be taken to the detailed article.

Sauteed Shrimps and Edamame with Salt

Here is a recipe for " Sauteed Shrimp and Edamame with Salt," a combination of plump shrimp, crunchy spring onions, and crunchy edamame. The simple salt flavor enhances the umami of the shrimp and edamame.

Fried Shrimp and Edamame with Salt" Recipe

Turnips and Prawns in Milk

Here is a recipe for " Turnip and Prawn in Milk ". The mild sweetness of milk envelops the crispy turnips and plump prawns. The mild flavor of the rich milk soup is accentuated by the spicy ginger.

Recipe for "Turnip and Shrimp in Milk

Fried Shrimp and Tomatoes with Curry

Here is a recipe for " Stir-fried Shrimp and Tomatoes with Curry ". The spicy curry flavor, the umami of the shrimp, and the sweet and sour taste of the tomatoes all come together in this dish.

Stir-fried Shrimp and Tomatoes with Curry" Recipe