"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe! Bittersweet garland chrysanthemum and mellow avocado sesame oil and white sesame
Introducing the recipe of "Crowdaisy with avocado" that combines garland chrysanthemum and avocado. Avocado softens the bitterness of garland chrysanthemum, resulting in a well-balanced taste.
Material ( For 2 people )
Crowndaisy 1 bundle
avocado 1/2 piece
Sesame oil 1 tsp
salt 1/4 teaspoon
Pepper and white sesame a little
"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

Introducing the recipe of "Crowdaisy with avocado" that combines garland chrysanthemum and avocado. Avocado softens the bitterness of garland chrysanthemum, resulting in a well-balanced taste.

With garland chrysanthemum avocado

Ingredients (for 2 people)

1 bunch of garland chrysanthemum 1/2 avocado 1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
Pepper and white sesame seeds

How to make garland chrysanthemum with avocado

Wash the garland chrysanthemum and cut it to a length of about 5 cm.

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

Put it in a heat-resistant container, wrap it gently, and heat it in a microwave oven at 500W for 2 minutes. When the heat is removed, squeeze the water.

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

Put the avocado from which seeds and skin have been removed in a container such as a bowl or tapper, and crush it with the back of a fork.

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

Add sesame oil, salt and pepper to the crushed avocado and mix.

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

Add garland chrysanthemum and mix. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with white sesame seeds to complete.

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

With garland chrysanthemum avocado

"Crowdaisy with avocado" recipe

With garland chrysanthemum avocado with beautiful shades of green. Avocado softens the bitterness of garland chrysanthemum, resulting in a well-balanced taste. Increases the aroma and richness of sesame oil and sesame oil. It is a bittersweet and flavorful adult dish.