Recipe "Shingen rice cake style of cut rice cake"

Arrange recipe using mochi! Here are three "mochi recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Shingen rice cake style of cut rice cake" and "yogurt rice cake". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Yogurt rice cake

Introducing a refreshing " yogurt mochi " recipe that allows you to enjoy refreshing mochi. The mochi that is entwined with the sweet and sour yogurt is mochi mochi. It's a very delicious dessert that looks like a Japanese-Western mix of shiruko!

"Yogurt rice cake" recipe

Shingen mochi style of cut rice cake

Introducing the arrangement recipe " Kirimochi Shingen Mochi-style " using mochi. Shingen mochi, which you can enjoy with plenty of soybean flour and black honey, is delicious, isn't it? Of course, it will not be exactly the same as the original Shingen mochi, but it will be quite satisfying.

Recipe "Shingen rice cake style of cut rice cake"

Sweet and spicy tteokbokki style

Arrange the surplus mochi in a Korean style. A simple recipe for " sweet and spicy tteokbokki style ". A habit of matching the rich sweetness and firm texture. It is also recommended to wrap it in lettuce and eat it. Refreshing is added to sweetness.

Simple recipe of "sweet and spicy tteokbokki style"