Juwa Uma- "Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe!
Simply mix the browned eggplant and zucchini with marinade and cool in the refrigerator. By adding a little soy sauce to the marinade, you can get a slightly Japanese taste that suits the taste of Japanese people!
Material ( For 2-3 people )
Eggplant One
zucchini One
Olive oil Appropriate amount
Olive oil 1.5 tbsp
vinegar 1.5 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tsp
sugar 1 tsp
Salt and pepper a little
"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Introducing the "Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe that makes you addicted to the refreshing seasoning and texture. By adding a little soy sauce, it will be delicious and easy to eat even for Japanese food lovers. As a side dish for meat dishes and as a companion to sake!

Marinated eggplant and zucchini


Click here for what to prepare.

1 eggplant Zucchini 1 olive oil Appropriate amount

[Marinated liquid]
1.5 tbsp olive oil
1.5 tablespoons of vinegar
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
A little salt and pepper

How to make

Wash the eggplant, remove the calyx and calyx, and cut into slices about 1 cm wide.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Cut the zucchini into slices about 1 cm wide.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and bake the chopped eggplants and zucchini side by side.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Turn it over on the way and take it out when both sides are browned.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Mix olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt and pepper in a bowl to make a marinade.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Put the baked eggplant and zucchini in a bowl of marinade and mix well.

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

Cool the whole bowl in the refrigerator (approximate: 1 hour or more). When it cools down, serve it in a bowl and it's done!

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

What is the taste of marinade of eggplant and zucchini?

The sweet and sour marinade soaked in slowly, the melted eggplant and the crispy zucchini ... it's insanely delicious! The seasoning is refreshing with the moderate acidity of vinegar, and mellow with olive oil. Since it is made with a little soy sauce, it is easy to eat and tastes like Japanese people. I'm going crazy!

"Marinated eggplant and zucchini" recipe

One plate that you can enjoy a refreshing seasoning and a pleasant texture is perfect for garnishing thick meat and fish dishes. It is also recommended as an appetizer that goes well with sake!