"Cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad" Cut vegetables to save time!
Introducing a simple recipe "Cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad" using cut shredded cabbage. Just mix and you can make it in about 5 minutes!
Material ( For 2 people )
Shredded cabbage 180g (6.35oz)
cottage cheese 100g (3.53oz)
Walnut 20g (0.71oz)
Olive oil 2 tablespoons
vinegar 1 tablespoon
salt 1 tsp
sugar 1 tsp
Black pepper Appropriate amount
Walnut salad with cabbage and cottage cheese

Cut vegetables, a friend of home-cooked rice on a busy day. The burden is greatly reduced just by eliminating the trouble of washing and cutting.

This time, we will introduce a simple recipe "Cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad" using cut shredded cabbage. Just mix and you can make it in about 5 minutes!

Walnut salad with cabbage and cottage cheese


Shredded cabbage 180g (6.35oz)
Cottage cheese 100g (3.53oz)
Walnut 20g (0.71oz)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
Black pepper suitable amount

How to make

Put the walnuts in a storage bag and tap them with a cup to crush them. Mix olive oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and black pepper to make a dressing.

Put shredded cabbage, cottage cheese, walnuts, and the dressing you made in a large container and mix well to complete. After a while, the cabbage will become moist and the taste will become familiar.

Walnut salad with cabbage and cottage cheese

How does the cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad taste?

A fragrant walnut that occasionally crumbles on crispy cabbage. The cottage cheese entwined throughout gives a refreshing flavor. A perfect balance of the richness of olive oil and nuts, and the slight acidity of vinegar. It is a refreshing yet satisfying taste.

Walnut salad with cabbage and cottage cheese

The texture and taste are so rich that you can't think it was made just by mixing. As it is fashionable, it is also recommended as a dish of hospitality dishes.