Spring taste "Rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise"
This is a recipe for "rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise", which has a beautiful bright green color. Accented with a hint of spiciness and fragrant sesame seeds.
Material ( For 2 people )
Rape blossoms 1 bundle
Snap peas 200g (7.05oz)
mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 2 tablespoons
White sesame 1 tablespoon
Mustard 2 tsp
Rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise

Rape blossoms, one of the ingredients that makes you feel the footsteps of spring. Introducing the recipe for "rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise", which has a beautiful bright green color.

◆ Material

Rape blossoms 1 bundle snap peas 200g (7.05oz)
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
2 tablespoons soy sauce
White sesame 1 tablespoon
2 teaspoons of mustard

◆ How to make

1. Wash the rape blossoms, cut off the hard part at the base, and cut into 4 cm lengths. Wash the snap peas and remove the streaks.

Rape blossoms and snap peas

2. Add a little salt (outside the amount) to boiling water and boil from the stem. After 1 minute, add the rapeseed leaves and snap peas and boil for about 2 minutes. For Zaru, squeeze the water well.

Rape blossoms and snap peas

3. Combine soy sauce, mustard and mayonnaise in a bowl, add rape blossoms and snap peas and mix. Sprinkle with white sesame seeds to finish.

Rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise

◆ What is the taste?

The refreshing sweetness that spreads softly every time you eat it is exactly the taste of spring. The mellow richness of mayonnaise and the aroma of sesame add depth to the taste. The mustard is tingling there. Thanks to Mayo, the spiciness becomes mild and it works as an accent.

Rape blossoms and peas with mustard mayonnaise

The key to making it delicious is not to boil the rape blossoms and snap peas too much and squeeze the water well. You can enjoy a crispy and comfortable texture!