Recipe for "stir-fried pork roses and long potatoes with oyster sauce"

The oyster flavor is appetizing! Here are three recipes for "stir-fried oyster" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and was delicious.

* Click the recipe name link in the text to jump to the detailed recipe page.

・ Stir-fried peppers and pork with oyster sauce
Rice is recommended! A simple recipe for " stir-fried peppers and pork in oyster".

Simple recipe for "stir-fried peppers and pork in oyster"

Peppers with a moderately crispy texture on pork with plenty of sauce. It's a strong seasoning, so it's perfect as a side dish for rice. It's easy because you just cut it roughly and mix it with the seasoning!

・ Stir-fried pork rose and long potato oyster
A recipe of "stir-fried pork rose and long potato oyster " that matches the combination of long potato with rich seasoning.

Recipe for "stir-fried pork roses and long potatoes with oyster sauce"

The rich flavor of the rice that enhances the taste of the pork roses. Due to the thickening of the long potatoes, the taste spreads from the moment you eat it. Nagaimo Good Job!

・ Stir-fried beef tomato with oyster
A simple recipe of "stir-fried beef tomato with oyster" that brightly colors the table with bright red tomatoes.

"Stir-fried beef tomato with oyster" simple recipe

An exquisite combination of rich beef and sweet and sour tomatoes. Add plenty of oyster sauce and mushrooms to it. Although it has a rich taste, the aftertaste is refreshing with the juiciness of tomatoes and the scent of green onions.