Recipe for "A Bite of Mozzarella Cheese in Mentsuyu Rayu" (Japanese noodle soup)

The following is a summary of two "raayu cheese" recipes that the Engeki editorial staff actually tried to make and found delicious. The recipes are "Bits of Mozzarella Cheese in Mentsuyu Rayu" and "Rayu Cream Cheese". Click on the name of each recipe to go to the detailed article page.

A Bite of Mozzarella Cheese Marinated in Noodle Soup Rayu

Just marinate a bite of mozzarella cheese in mentsuyu (Japanese soup stock) and raayu (Chinese chili oil). This is the recipe for "A Bite of Mozzarella Cheese Marinated in Noodle Soup and Soy Sauce".

Recipe for "A Bite of Mozzarella Cheese in Mentsuyu Rayu" (Japanese noodle soup)

A bite of mozzarella cheese soaked in the sweet and spicy flavor of mentsuyu and the tangy yet mild flavor of chow raayu. The more you bite into it, the more addictive the flavor becomes. The milky flavor of the mozzarella itself moderately tempers the rich taste, making you keep coming back for the next one!

Rayu Cream Cheese

When you feel like having just one more dish! Here is a recipe for "Rayu Cream Cheese," a handy snack using cream cheese. Mild cream cheese and raayu go well together!

Recipe for "raayu cream cheese

The mild cream cheese combined with the flavor, richness, and spiciness of the raayu gives the dish a slightly mature taste. The texture and flavor of the crunchy chopped green onion adds a nice accent.