Lotus root recipe summary

We have compiled a recipe using "lotus root", which has a crispy texture. Three items, "lotus root miso butter grilled", "lotus root curry grilled", and "lotus root sweet and spicy grilled". All of them are simple ones that can be made only with lotus root and seasonings!

3 lotus root recipes

Grilled lotus root with miso butter

Lotus root recipe summary

"Lotus root miso butter-grilled" recipe that promotes rice with a rich taste. The crispy texture of lotus root cut into large pieces vertically is fresh.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Lotus root miso butter grilled "

Lotus root curry grilled

Lotus root recipe summary

"Lotus root curry grilled" recipe that matches the texture of crispy lotus root and rich curry taste. The spiciness of the curry makes the sweetness of the lotus root stand out.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Lotus root curry grilled "

Lotus root sweet and spicy grilled

Lotus root recipe summary

The aroma of sesame and batter, the crispy texture of lotus root, and the sweet and spicy seasoning are awesome! This is a recipe for "lotus root sweet and spicy grill" that even beginners can easily make.

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Lotus root sweet and spicy grilled "