Cafe de Clie "Pasta Mushroom Cream ~ Duxelles Sauce Tailoring ~"

The food menu "Pasta Mushroom Cream ~ Duxelles Sauce Tailoring ~" will be on sale on September 2nd at Cafe de Clie and Cafe de Clie Plus. The price is 720 yen for a single item and 930 yen for a drink set (both tax excluded, prices may differ at some stores).

"Pasta Mushroom Cream ~ Duxelles Sauce Tailoring ~" is a pasta that uses mushrooms, porcini, and the autumn ingredient "mushroom" to enjoy the fragrant autumn. Duxelles sauce, which is chopped mushrooms and onions and fried, is used as a base to create a smooth cream sauce, and the flavor of Nekonbits is added.

"Pasta Mushroom Cream ~ Duxelles Sauce Tailoring ~" by Cafe de Clie, where you can feel autumn. Mushroom lovers should check this menu!