Sugar free! Koya-Tofu Pancake
♪ A healthy snack on a diet ♪
Material ( for one person )
pancake mix 50g (1.76oz)
freeze-dried tofu one sheet
soy milk 50cc
egg one (object)
Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Want to enjoy a happy snack time even when you are on a sugar restriction! How about "Koya-Tofu Pancakes"? You can make fluffy pancakes with a reduced amount of pancake mix and grated Koya-Tofu.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Ingredients Ingredients

50g (1.76oz) pancake mix
1 sheet Koya-Tofu
50cc soy milk
1 egg

button What is Medical Diet "GLP-1"? Even a lazy person can do it!


Grate Koya-Tofu into a powder. It is quite easy to grind.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe
Looks like an eraser.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe
(not) at all

Mix the egg and soy milk in a bowl. Add the pancake mix and grated koya-tofu to the mixture and mix well.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe
Combine eggs and soy milk.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe
Add flour and mix.

Heat oil or butter (not included) in a frying pan, pour in the batter and cook over low to medium heat.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Turn over and cook until golden brown on both sides! Top with butter or other toppings as desired.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Koya-Tofu Pancakes How do they taste?

Soft, fluffy, and delicious! Soft and savory, with a slightly crunchy surface. When you bite into it, it loosens and melts in your mouth, spreading a simple sweetness on your tongue.

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

Koya-Tofu Pancakes Recipe

You don't taste much of tofu (just a hint of soybean aftertaste), but you can feel the presence of koya-tofu in the unusual "fluffy and chunky" texture and light mouthfeel. Try this diet recipe and you'll be able to shave off the sugar and guilt!

button What is Medical Diet "GLP-1"? Even a lazy person can do it!