Instant recipe for handmade dressing

When you say, "Oh, I've run out of dressing ...", here are four recipes for handmade dressing that you can use at home. It's easy to make, but it's as delicious as a dressing on the market!

1, Chinese dressing

Click here for materials. All are listed in easy-to-make quantities.

1 tablespoon of ponzu soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Appropriate amount of sesame seeds if you like

Just mix ponzu soy sauce and sesame oil. Finally, shake the sesame seeds to your liking to complete the Chinese dressing with sesame oil.

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
With sesame oil

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Just add ponzu soy sauce

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Chinese dressing

2, Japanese style dressing

Click here for materials.

1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon vinegar

If you mix all the ingredients, you will have a Japanese-style dressing with a strong acidity and saltiness. You can adjust the taste by adding salt, lemon juice, or sugar if you like.

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
With soy sauce

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Mix olive oil and vinegar

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Japanese style dressing

3, Caesar dressing

Click here for materials.

2 tablespoons mayonnaise * No need, 1 tablespoon olive oil if you like
1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice
Salt and pepper Appropriate amount of grated garlic Appropriate amount of grated cheese 1 tablespoon

Combine ingredients other than grated cheese, add grated cheese at the end and mix thoroughly to complete. If you feel that the water is not enough, add a little water. The mellow and rich taste of cheese is perfect for fresh vegetables!

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
With olive oil

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Combine with lemon juice etc.

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Mix the grated cheese thoroughly and you're done

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Caesar dressing

4, french dressing

1 tablespoon of salad oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
Salt and pepper Appropriate amount Sugar Appropriate amount

Just mix all the ingredients. May I add mustard, mustard, and lemon juice to the accent? A French dressing with sour vinegar that simply complements the vegetables.

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Add vinegar to the oil

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
Add salt and pepper and sugar to taste and you're done

Instant recipe for handmade dressing
French dressing

All of these are simple recipes that you can make with what you have at home, so use them if you accidentally forget to buy a dressing!