McDonald's Happy Set "My Melody"

Happy Meal "My Melody" and "Choro-Q" will be on sale for a limited time from July 27th at each McDonald's store (excluding some stores) (excluding some stores).

This happy set will feature toys with different themes, with the first from July 27th to August 9th and the second from August 10th to August 23rd. From August 24th, you will receive one of the eight toys that have appeared so far.

My Melody is a summer-like design filled with the cuteness of My Melody. A total of eight types, the first "playing in the water / washroom goods series" where you can spend a cool summer, and the second "kitchen goods series" where you can make cold desserts. You can get a pail shower, a toothbrush stand, an ice candy maker, a jelly maker, etc.

McDonald's Happy Set "My Melody"
All cute

Choro-Q has two themes, the first "Car Choro-Q" and the second "Sky Vehicle Choro-Q", with a total of eight types in the lineup. All of them are McDonald's original Choro-Q, and in addition to self-propelled pullback, there are various ways to run.

McDonald's Happy Set "Choro-Q"
UFO too?

For the two days of July 28th and 29th, you will receive one "Play with Choro-Q! Sun Sun Summer Sheet" for each purchase of the Happy Meal "Choro-Q". I am looking forward to seeing which of the three types of seats you will receive. In addition, one set of "My Melody Postcard" will be presented for each purchase of the Happy Meal "My Melody".

McDonald's Happy Set "My Melody" "Choro-Q"

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