Katsuya 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving
Hurry to Katsuya!

The second 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Day is being held at the Tonkatsu specialty store "Katsuya". The implementation period is 7 days from May 18th to May 24th.

A hearty "Katsudon (pine)" and "Double loin cutlet set meal" using two of Katsuya's proud loin cutlets are offered at a discount of 160 yen each. Katsudon (pine) usually costs 918 yen to 745 yen, and double loin cutlet set meal usually costs 1,026 yen to 853 yen (both include tax).

Katsuya "Katsudon (pine)"
Katsudon (pine)

In addition, handling and prices may differ depending on the store. Lunch boxes are also eligible, but tonjiru is not used. Delivery is not applicable.

Katsuya "Double Loin Cutlet Set Meal"
A great chance to enjoy!