Rich soy sauce Chinese noodles Iseya Tamazu store "Oshiruko ramen"
The white one on top is the cream

Rich soy sauce Chinese soba Iseya Tamazu store (Nishi-ku, Kobe) will release the New Year's limited menu "Oshiruko Ramen" on January 2, 2018. Limited to 5 meals each day, sales period is until January 8th.

This is a limited-edition ramen made by mixing azuki beans with Chinese soup and topping with fresh cream. Starting with the voice of regular customers saying "soy sauce ramen is spicy", we added fresh cream and chocolate to the soup, and after repeated trial and error, we arrived at a combination of "azuki" and "fresh cream". so.

Rich soy sauce Chinese noodles Iseya Tamazu store "Oshiruko ramen"
Azuki and fresh cream on Chinese noodles

The sweetness of azuki beans and the soy sauce soup are mixed to create a mellow taste. "I want you to try it once because you think you were deceived," said the store manager. If you are interested, why not try it? The price is 1,200 yen (excluding tax).