It is well known that hamsters have a habit of stuffing food into cheek pouches. Anyone would have seen a lovely ham with a fluffy face, still covered with vegetables and nuts.

But how big is this "hobukuro"?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'm sorry

British media BBC has released a video on YouTube of about two minutes of a hamster eating with an X-ray camera.

If you look at this video, the hamster's cheek pouch, which stuffs food in his mouth, has spread past the cheeks to the area around the "buttocks" !

Looking at it with an X-ray camera ...
Looking at it with an X-ray camera ...

About half of the body is made up of nuts! (Green line is the editorial department)
About half of the body is made up of nuts! (Green line is the editorial department)

According to the media, hamsters keep the food in their cheek pouches fresh and dry by not producing saliva. Well, then you can take it out of the "bag" anytime, anywhere and eat delicious rice.

The plump body is cute
The plump body is cute

Surprisingly good at "savings" in a planned "savings" that considers the future. I've also heard that hamsters like beauty. Even though it was a "habit" that I had as an instinct to live, I was made to think that there are many things that I should follow.

ハムスターの食事風景を X 線カメラで撮影 - BBC
* The source of videos and images is BBC