I want to eat meat ... No, but it's not good just meat ... But ... But I still want to eat meat ...! How many people are repeating this kind of conflict every day? There is a food that is perfect for you who want to have a healthy diet but have a slightly weak will to eat only meat.

"Meat with a clear texture" Processed brown rice and soybeans for good health ○
The impact of naming

The name is "whole meat"! I feel that I made a slight mistake in using the word "round", but it's just meat.

Its true identity is a processed food that reproduces the texture of meat with only soybeans and brown rice, and has the property of replacing "can be used instead of meat" that can be cooked in any dish. It's not the taste but the texture that is completely meat. So that's it.

There are two types, "fillet type" and "minced type", which are used after reconstitution with boiling water or soup stock. It is said that it will be cheaper than general meat of 100 yen to 150 yen for 100 g because it will be about three times as much by absorbing water.

You can use it properly!
You can use it properly!

The fillet type can be used as a substitute for thigh meat and rib meat, such as fried chicken, stir-fried vegetables, and simmered dishes, and the minced type can be used for hamburgers, soboro ankake, etc. Both types are transformed into a wide range of meat cooking ingredients! ... will it?

Is it really a substitute for meat? I was skeptical, but looking at the photos on the introduction page, it seems to be delicious. Of course, it's good for your health, and it's not worth trying. I'd like to try secretly using it for cooking and tricking it into thinking that it's meat.