" Jagarico Avocado Cheese " was released exclusively for 7-ELEVEN in 2013 and made a splendid revival on June 30th of this year. Resurrection means that there are many fans. Having a lot of fans means that it's delicious ...!

That's why I bought it at the editorial department and tried it.

Avocado x cheese is decided to be delicious
Avocado x cheese is decided to be delicious

When you open the lid, you can smell the rich cheese. The stick is avocado green, with cheese-like yellow lumps kneaded into it.

It smells like cheese
It smells like cheese

The moment you bite it, you can feel the sweet and sour cheese. And while chewing mogumogu, the mellow flavor of avocado gradually spreads in the mouth. The aroma peculiar to Jagarico is also alive and well. The taste of cheese is strong, but the richness of the avocado that is chased afterwards becomes addictive. More avocado ... more come ...! ...that? I can't stop eating one avocado and one again ... !!

Help me !!!
Help me !!!

Let's write without hiding it. While writing this article, I'm eating Jagarico avocado cheese every 5 seconds . It's too dangerous. Someone stop me. No, I don't have to stop it, so make avocado cheese a permanent flavor, Calbee-san ...!

Humble giraffe
Humble giraffe

If you want to try it, be prepared for "addiction" and give it a try. The general release outside the convenience store is July 14th.