I feel like eating a lot of meat today. With that in mind, I remembered that Lotteria's new "Kuroge Wagyu Hamburger Steak Burger (Double Truffle Sauce)" was released.

Was this released ...
Was this released ...

Suddenly, I was in front of the Lotteria Shibuya store. It seems that his legs were unknowingly heading to the store.

So, I bought the "Kuroge Wagyu hamburger steak burger (double truffle sauce)" released today. The single item price is a whopping 1,000 yen. It's a bullish price for a hamburger, but the taste is ...?

It smells good from the box as soon as possible
It smells good from the box as soon as possible

■ I tried it

As early as, a fascinating scent overflows from the box. When I open the lid ...

Only bread and meat!
Only bread and meat!

Introducing a Japanese black beef burger with thick patties sandwiched in buns! The patty has a thick white truffle sauce on it.

Patty made with Japanese black beef is very thick, 4 cm tall. An ordinary hamburger patty is about 1 cm thick, which is four times as thick. It is heavy to hold in your hand, and it may be better for women to hold it in both hands and eat it (because it looks cute).

Behold, this thick patty!
Behold, this thick patty!

The patties are soft, but at the end, the chewy texture of the minced meat remains. The more you chew, the more delicious the beef is.

There are two types of truffle sauce used in Japanese black beef burgers, but I personally prefer the white cream sauce on the patty. With a smooth texture, you can feel the elegant truffle scent. Have you ever eaten such a luxurious hamburger? I wonder if this bite will cost about 100 yen ...

■ It's 1,000 yen per piece, but it's delicious that the purse string becomes loose

At first I was surprised at the price of 1,000 yen per piece, but when I tried it, I was surely convinced. If you can fill your stomach with this volume and luxurious material, it's an ant.

When I was satisfied and suddenly looked at the calendar, today was November 29th ... "Good Meat Day" . No wonder I want to eat meat.

Currently, Japanese black beef burgers are on sale in limited quantities at each Lotteria store. If you want a little extravagance, or if you suddenly feel the urge to eat solid meat, you should definitely try the Japanese Black Beef Burger.