At the Ishiyaki Ramen specialty store " Ishiyaki Ramen Volcano ", "Rainariwari", which distributes 100 yen discount tickets to all customers who come to the store in the evening of the day when the lightning forecast comes out, will start on June 26th, the anniversary of lightning. Will be done. Scheduled to be held at 23 stores nationwide (excluding franchise stores and Utsunomiya station east store).

"Thunder Discount" until July 25th!
"Thunder Discount" until July 25th!

For one month until July 25, if a lightning forecast is issued to Utsunomiya City by the radar nowcast of the Japan Meteorological Agency at 16:00 every day, it will be carried out from 17:00 to 20:00. The 100 yen discount coupon distributed can be used on the day as well.

In addition, it is said that there will be a free topping of "Rainori", which is associated with Raiwari.

The store's hometown, Utsunomiya, has 24.8 days of lightning per year, ranking first in the Kanto region. Furthermore, when looking only at the warm season (April-September), the average number of lightning days in Utsunomiya is 22.6 days, which is the highest in Japan.