"Ishiyaki Ramen Volcano" Miyukicho store (Utsunomiya) has a menu "Ishiyaki Spring Vegetable Takenoko Ramen" using "seasonal bamboo shoots" harvested at the farm attached to the Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University, at the end of April, limited to 5 meals a day. It sells until (planned). The price is 924 yen.

Limited to 5 meals a day! "Ishiyaki Spring Vegetable Bamboo Shoot Ramen"
Limited to 5 meals a day! "Ishiyaki Spring Vegetable Bamboo Shoot Ramen"

The bamboo shoots used in this product are called Moso bamboo, which is a cultivar with little harshness and chewy texture. Stir-fry this with all 7 kinds of vegetables such as broccoli and onions, and serve it with noodles in a stone pot heated to 300 ° C (572 ° F) or higher and ankake soup.

In order to enhance the deliciousness of seasonal bamboo shoots, it is said that they have devised ways to leave a "crispy texture" by cutting other vegetables thicker than the regular menu.

Seasonal bamboo shoots!
Seasonal bamboo shoots!

In addition, it seems that the number of bamboo shoots provided may vary depending on the amount of bamboo shoots harvested, and 9 meals were provided on the day of menu release (April 13) and 14th, respectively, and a total of 36 meals were provided by the 17th.