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Introducing pickles from all over the world! TripAdvisor "Getting Hands! World Pickles Map" Released

TripAdvisor has released "Tsukemono Map of the World!" With "Trip Graphics", which regularly publishes various information about travel as infographics.

It's quite deep, the world of pickles ...

The theme of this 67th "Trip Graphics" is "pickles" from all over the world. On the world map, the name of the pickle and the main country where it is eaten are written, and the "pickle method" and "taste" are expressed using icons.

Infographics of pickles from around the world

I picked up the pickles that I was interested in from the array of pickles.

● "Surströmming"

Herring is salted and fermented in cans and is mainly eaten in Sweden. Characterized by a strong odor, it is also famous as "the most odorous food in the world". Because it is salty, it is eaten as a side dish of potatoes and bread, but according to a reporter of the editorial department who has eaten it, "The smell is attached to the clothes and the smell is transferred to the washing machine, so you can wash it. I ended up disposing of the clothes. " I want to eat it, I don't want to see it ...

The world's most odorous food "Surströmming". You can also buy it online

● "Kiviak"

Speaking of pickles that are unique in how they are made, this "Kiviak". This is also famous as a stinky food. A traditional food of the peoples of the Far North, such as Greenland, Canada, and Alaska, which is fermented by stuffing seabirds inside the seal. Seals stuffed with a lot of seabirds are buried in the ground and left to age for two months to several years, and after taking out the birds inside and removing the feathers, they eat the internal organs and meat. Aged internal organs are one of the valuable sources of vitamins in the Far North region, and they are still eaten as seasonings at celebrations.

● "McDoose"

Eggplant stuffed with walnuts and spices is soaked in oil and is a preserved food for winter that is eaten in the Middle East such as Syria and Lebanon. Eggplant and oil used in different regions are different, so it's a home-style taste. It looks like you can make it at home.

How was the pickles in the world?
From Japan, pickled plums and pickled Takuan are posted. I want to eat the one that my grandma pickled.

In the days when there was no refrigerator, "pickles" was a method of preserving important ingredients, and at the same time, it was a dish of two birds with one stone that enhances flavor and nutritional value. Even now, various pickles are handed down in homes around the world. Pickles are one of the dishes that you can learn about the food culture of the country. When you go on a trip, you may want to try the local pickles.
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