Natto pickles a little addition recipe

Cheap and nutritious "natto". Of course, there are many people who add green onions and jaco as well as soy sauce and sauce, but did you know that it is delicious even if you add a little "pickles" with a little effort? I actually tried the combination that I was interested in at the eating editorial department!

I used to add a little kimchi and eat it, but this is my first time to eat "pickles". We prepared three kinds of "Yuzu Chinese cabbage", "Shibazuke" and "Sesame Takuan" found at the supermarket. A friend of mine who taught me how to add pickles said, "It's still delicious if you chop it up," so I chopped it up in advance with a knife.

Add a little pickled natto

・ Yuzu Chinese cabbage
By adding the fresh texture of crispy Chinese cabbage and the flavor of yuzu, the overall taste is refreshing. Yuzu and natto are more compatible than expected! You can enjoy natto rice that is easier to eat than usual. If the Chinese cabbage has a large amount of water, the sticky feeling of natto will be lost, so it is recommended to squeeze it lightly and then add the chopped one.

Add a little pickled natto

Add a little pickled natto

・ Sesame Takuan
Soft natto and Takuan with elasticity. It is a combination that makes the contrast of texture addictive. The saltiness and umami that exudes when you chew Takuan. And the fragrant flavor of white sesame! You can use only Takuan, but the addition of sesame will increase the flavor. Since Takuan itself has a strong flavor, you can enjoy it without soy sauce or sauce.

Add a little pickled natto

Add a little pickled natto

・ Shibazuke
Personally, the most recommended of the three types is "Shibazuke". The refreshing flavor of perilla and natto are insanely matched! By adding red to brown, the color of the appearance changes gorgeously ♪ The crunchy and crunchy texture improves the eating response.

Add a little pickled natto

Add a little pickled natto

Natto's "pickles a little addition" seems to be fun even if you try various things and find your favorite combination. It's delicious not only on rice but also on cold tofu! Why don't you try it once?