Chicken Moo" Korean side dish with pickled radish in sweet and sour sauce, easy recipe!
Introducing a recipe for "Chicken Moo", a Korean pickled dish. It is a sweet pickled radish often served with chicken in Korean restaurants.
Material ( For 4 persons )
root 1/3 of a stick
water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 100ml (3.38us fl oz)
sugar 50g (1.76oz)
vinegar 50ml (1.69us fl oz)
salt (i.e. sodium chloride) 1 teaspoon
Chicken Moo" pickled daikon radish in sweet vinegar

Korean Pickled Radish "Chicken Moo"

Easy Recipe

Introducing a foreign dish that you can easily incorporate into your daily meals. This time, we tried making Korean pickled radish "Chicken Moo". It is a sweet pickled daikon radish often served with chicken in Korean restaurants.



Chicken Moo Ingredients

1/3 radish
100ml (3.38us fl oz) water
50g (1.76oz) sugar
50ml (1.69us fl oz) vinegar
1 tsp salt

Chicken Moo Directions

1. Peel radish and cut into 1.5cm square dice.

Diced daikon radish

Heat water, sugar, vinegar and salt in a pot. Heat water, sugar, vinegar, and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Pickling liquid for "Chickenum", sweet pickled radish

Put the daikon slices in a heatproof container and pour (2) over the daikon while it is still hot. 4.

Chicken Moo" pickled daikon radish in sweet vinegar

Remove from heat and refrigerate. Let cool in the refrigerator for at least half a day before serving. If you want to soak in the flavor, it is recommended to marinate for a day.

Chicken Moo" pickled daikon radish in sweet vinegar

How does Chicken Moo taste?

The fresh sweetness spreads with every bite. It is not too sweet, but the sourness of the vinegar makes it refreshing. The freshness of the daikon radish also assists the refreshing taste. The crunchy texture is pleasant and keeps you coming back for more.

Chicken Moo" pickled daikon radish in sweet vinegar

It is the best chopstick rest for strongly seasoned dishes. You can eat as much as you like in an endless loop of rich and refreshing flavor. If you keep it on hand, you can use it as a regular side dish in your daily meals.