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How many boxes of Koala's March should I buy to find "Eyebrow Koala" and "Cecal Koala"?

Looking for "eyebrow koalas" and "cecal koalas" that were once all the rage. You were told that if you could find it, you would be happy, right? If you spent your youth in those days, you should have searched for it once or twice.

Eyebrow koala! Nostalgic? ??

But what is the proportion of those "eyebrow koalas" and "cecal koalas"? In the first place, is it still in the market 20 years after the epidemic? Doesn't this bother you? ??

If you're curious, check it out and check it out. So, what is the probability that "eyebrow koala" and "cecal koala" are included in the koala's march this time? We will carry out a survey. If you read this, anyone can get eyebrow koalas and be happy ... shouldn't they?

■ First, let's buy a large amount of "Koala's March"

For the investigation, the eating editorial department purchased 10 "10-box packages" of Koala's March. We prepared a total of 100 boxes of Koala's March.

100 boxes of Koala's March have arrived!

Koala's March, which is larger in size per box than the Morinaga chocolate balls we investigated last time. There is a presence.

Compared to the editor-in-chief of En-eating Shadow, "Ecchan". By the way, Ecchan's height is 162 cm.

Since there are so many Koala's March, I made a champagne tower with the Koala's March package! Yes, it's a hobby of the editor-in-chief of Shadow!

"That, that, that, that!"

■ Search for "eyebrow koalas" and "cecal koalas" -Investigation started!

We will finally start the investigation. First, start by finding out how many koalas are in each box of koala's march. As a result of this research, it was found that one box of koala's march usually contains 23 koalas. However, it seems that sometimes there are 24 of them.

There are about 23 koalas per box

But sometimes there are 24 of them!

In such a case

For number matching

I will eat it! …(It's a lie!)

Well, here is the production. Finally, we will start searching for "eyebrow koalas" and "cecal koalas"! Now, how many eyebrow koalas and cecal koalas can be found?

This survey took 7 hours!

■ Survey results announced! -How many boxes of Koala's March should I buy to find "Eyebrow Koala" and "Cecal Koala"?

Pampakapa, what's the result you care about?

Let's announce the survey results! The total number of koalas in 100 Koala's March boxes is 2,340. Of these, 17 were "eyebrow koalas."

Discovered eyebrow koalas

In other words, the probability that eyebrow koalas will appear is about "1 in 138" . An average of 23 koalas are contained in one koala's march, so if you buy 6 boxes, you can probably meet one eyebrow koala .

When I talked to people who were high school students at the time, they said, "If you find and eat eyebrow koalas, you will be super happy!" The price of Koala's March is around 105 yen per box, so if you have 630 yen, you can be "super happy". Other than that, is it cheap?

So what about "cecal koalas"?

This is a cecal koala, it hurts and I'm crying

The number of "cecal koalas" in the 100 Koala's March boxes was 11.

Found cecal koalas are less than eyebrow koalas

It can be said that about 1 in 213 is a cecal koala. In other words, if you buy 10 boxes, you will probably meet one eyebrow koala.

When I talked to people who were high school students at the time, they said, "If you can find a cecal koala, you can recover from a broken heart." It costs 10 boxes of Koala March, or 1,050 yen, to recover from a broken heart. It costs 420 yen more than being super happy. After all, the pain of broken heart is something that cannot be easily healed (?).

■ There are many other interesting koalas!

By the way, among the 2,340 koala marches, there were many fun koalas in addition to eyebrow koalas and cecal koalas. The "interesting koalas" or "seasonal koalas" Best 5 selected by the eating editorial department are as follows.

1st place Ikura Don and Koala

The expression of the joyful koala is wonderful in front of the bowl of salmon roe. But koalas are herbivores. The staple food should be eucalyptus. But how much is the bowl ...? ??

2nd place Sky Tree and Koala

You can enjoy 2 shots of the seasonal Sky Tree and Koala!

3rd place DJ Koala

While turning the record, I'm also turning my eyes.

4th place "Why isn't it?" Koala

I thought that koalas were in charge of blurring. I'm winking.

5th place Clio Nekoala

This is ... a little unclear?

On the other hand, there was also a koala that made me want to say, "Lotte-san, a little bit!" For example, "Halloween Koala". I'm very cute as a character, but I'm not very happy to meet him in December. Halloween koalas must be in October!

Halloween koalas There were quite a lot

■ What is "eyebrow koala" really?

As most of you know, the eyebrow koalas that are called "eyebrows" are actually just wrinkles. That koala was blowing the trumpet so hard that he had wrinkles on his eyes as a result of too much force.

Cecal koalas are injured and crying koalas. He happened to have an injured batten in his tummy, so he came to be called a cecal koala.

At that time, there was also a "pager koala". Pager is nostalgic. I don't know the current high school student, pager. You probably don't know that typing "14106" on the bell meant "Aishiteru". Somehow, it's annoying.

See you next time, "Let's find the hidden characters of Apollo Chocolate and Chocolate Baby!" As soon as you've eaten up the 100 boxes of Koala's March used in this survey, you'll be ready to go!

Can you eat it all?
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