Brain Bugs Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" limited quantities available at LAWSON

Lawson Brain Buggering Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor

I actually purchased and tried a limited quantity of "Brain Buggering Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" sold at Lawson. The purchase price is 194 yen (tax included).

Brain Buggles Potato Chips Honey

Cheese Fl

avor "Brain Buggles Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" looks spicy but is not? "Brain Bugs ......-like potato chips. The packaging design is a bit of a showpiece, with a fancy, circular design that looks as if it might suck you in.

Brain Bugs Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" limited quantities available at LAWSON

At first glance, they taste like spicy potato chips. Calbee says, "They look super spicy, but are they? Are they spicy? Or is it spicy? What do you mean it's spicy? It's a honey cheese flavor. The red powder (?) is visible in some places. It looks spicy indeed.

Brain Bugs Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" limited quantities available at LAWSON

Brain Bugs Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" limited quantities available at LAWSON

When I actually tried it, I tasted the soft sweetness of honey with a hint of richness from the cheese. It's very sweet and I think honey potato lovers will be hooked!

Brain Bugs Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" limited quantities available at LAWSON

If you ask me if it bugs my brain ......, to be honest, I personally am not so sure. I have to admit that I personally am not so sure, because I already know that it is a "honey cheese flavor" and I have an idea of what it tastes like. Perhaps this is a snack that "bugs" you more if you eat it without preconceived notions based on its packaging. In fact, when we asked one of our editorial staff members who knew nothing about it to try it, he said, "What? It's so sweet! They were surprised.

LAWSON's "Brain Buggering Potato Chips Honey Cheese Flavor" is sure to be a hit with family and friends. Quantities are limited, so if you are interested, be sure to try them soon.