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[Preserve wisely] How to preserve delicious peppers --Refrigerate the whole pepper or cut and freeze it

How to keep sweet peppers delicious

A smart way to store bell peppers with a crispy texture! Here are some recommended methods for storing large quantities of purchased peppers.

Raw materials green pepper
What to use storage bags
Working hours 10minutes
1. Wash the peppers to remove the calyx and seeds and cut into 1.5 cm widths.
2. Wipe off the water with a paper towel
3. Put it in a freezing storage bag so that it does not overlap, close the mouth, and store it in the freezer.
4. When you want to use it, you can fold it to a suitable size by hand and cook it with other ingredients while it is frozen.

A smart way to store bell peppers with a crispy texture! We will introduce two types, "refrigerate as it is" and "cut and freeze". The storage method is based on the Nichirei website.

■ Whole storage (refrigerated)
Peppers are vegetables that are easily damaged, so you should avoid storing them in the bag you bought. Take them out one by one and save them.

1. Wash the peppers and wipe them dry with a paper towel. If water remains, it may cause putrefaction, so wipe it off thoroughly.

2. Wrap each piece in a paper towel. Individual wrapping prevents damage to other vegetables.

3. Loosely close the mouth of the plastic bag and store in the vegetable room . Maintaining an appropriate humidity in a plastic bag is the key to keeping the freshness of bell peppers.

With this effort, it can be stored for about 3 weeks. Consume as soon as possible .

■ Cut and store (frozen)
Bell peppers can be stored frozen for about a month. If you cut it, you can use it quickly even when cooking.

1. Wash the peppers to remove calyx and seeds and cut into 1.5 cm widths.

2. Wipe off the water with a paper towel

3. Put it in a freezing storage bag so that it does not overlap, close the mouth, and store it in the freezer.

4. When you want to use it, you can fold it to a suitable size by hand and cook it with other ingredients while it is frozen.

If you prepare it when you have time, it will be convenient for cooking! Even when you want to add a little item ♪

Two ways to save peppers wisely. If you can get it at a bargain price, give it a try!
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