LAWSON STORE100 "Only Bento (Yakisoba)



"Dare Bento (Yakisoba)"

LAWSON STORE100 will release "Dare Bento (Yakisoba)" on June 26 as the 11th in the "Dare Bento" series of ultra-simple bento with only one side dish. The price is 248 yen (tax included).


Bento" is an ultra-simple bento that contains only one side dish, and is a big hit at LAWSON STORE100. It has been over 10 years since the idea was conceived and commercialized by one employee who believed that if there was a lunch box that allowed customers to enjoy only their favorite side dish to the fullest, it would be a hit. Sausage Bento Since its launch in June 2021, the product has gained the support of people who say, "This is just the way it should be! Since its launch in June 2021, the product has gained the support of many people who have said, "This is what I want! Meatball Bento and "Meatball Bento Meatball Bento As of the end of May 2024, the cumulative sales of the series exceeded 5.58 million servings.

Dake Bento (Yaki Soba

) The side dish that won the leading role this time was "Yaki Soba" (fried noodles). Mr. Hayashi, the creator of the "Dare Bento" series, and Mr. Yamada, in charge of product development, were checking the requests from customers on the website for side dishes for "Dare Bento," and the idea of "yakisoba" caught their attention. The culture of eating white rice with yakisoba as a side dish is common in the Kansai region, especially in Osaka. Mr. Hayashi and Mr. Yamada's experience in the Kinki region and their exposure to the "yakisoba set meal" culture led them to develop this product in response to the demand for yakisoba.

LAWSON STORE100 "Only Bento (Yakisoba)

A boxed lunch consisting only of yakisoba with thick sauce and white rice. Since the thick sauce yakisoba is made with sauce for "soba-meshi," it is thickly seasoned and goes well with the rice. It can be enjoyed either separately or mixed together.

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