Famima "Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage

I tried FamilyMart's "Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage". Calories 201kcal, protein 15.2g (0.07oz), fat 13.5g (0.18oz), sugar 4.4g (0.14oz), dietary fiber 0.8g (0.28oz), salt equivalent 2.5g (0.18oz).

Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage

Famima "Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage

Charcoal-grilled chicken thighs, seasoned with salt sauce and sesame oil, combined with garlic and sesame oil-crusted cabbage. It is a hearty dish that can be served as a main dish for dinner. If you are looking for a snack to go with your beer or chuhai, it would be good to share it with several people.

Famima "Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage

When you pick it up with chopsticks, the chicken thigh is spicy and tangy. When you bite into it, you can feel the flavor and fat sizzling. The green onions are steamed and roasted, giving them a sweet taste while retaining their crunchy texture.

Famima "Charcoal Grilled Chicken & Negi Salt Cabbage

The cabbage is well cooked but still crunchy. The mild sweetness of the cabbage spreads slowly and blends well with the spicy chicken. The meat and vegetables were both filling and satisfying.