Narujo Ishii "Aged Brie's Rich Formage"

It was announced on the official website that "Aged Brie's Rich Formage" has appeared as a homemade dessert of Naruki Ishii. It is a product that you can apply for at the Seijo Ishii WEB reservation service and receive it at the store without lining up at the cash register. The reservation period is January 8-28 and the delivery period is January 18-31. The selling price is 1,069 yen (tax included).

Naruki Ishii Aged Brie's rich formage

Cheese cream with honey napage and aged brie cheese is topped on a cheese dough with aged brie cheese sauce, cream cheese, honey, cream and butter. Pound dough is laid on the bottom.

You can enjoy it by cutting it into about 8 pieces per piece. In that case, the calorie is 176 kcal per sheet. The total calories per bottle is 1,408 ckal.

You can specify the store to receive when you apply for a reservation, but please note that the delivery time varies depending on the store. Details can be confirmed from Seijo Ishii WEB reservation service.