Recipe for "rice cooked with ponzu"

Here are three "mushroom-cooked rice recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Takikomi gohan with maitake and tuna" and "Takikomi gohan with tuna". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Rice cooked with tuna and tuna

After mixing the rice cake, tuna cans, and seasonings, leave it to the rice cooker! This is a recipe for " Takikomi gohan with tuna and tuna " that you can easily enjoy the flavor of maitake. If you don't have white soup, you can make it delicious by replacing it with the same amount of noodle soup (straight).

"Takikomi gohan with tuna and tuna" recipe

Rice cooked with Maitake mushrooms

Introducing the recipe of " Takikomi gohan " that you can easily make if you have Maitake mushrooms. It is an autumn-like menu with a vivid contrast between the texture of thick Maitake mushrooms and the texture of chewy rice. Recommended for lunch boxes and rice balls!

Rice cooked with ponzu

A recipe for " rice cooked with ponzu " that you can make with ponzu and your favorite ingredients. The slightly refreshing richness spreads throughout, and the finish is slightly cleaner than the "sweet and spicy" taste of ordinary cooked rice. It is delicious that you can eat without getting tired.

Recipe for "rice cooked with ponzu"