Recipe for Kabocha Okaka Salad with a Japanese flavor! Mature and not too sweet with soy sauce and bonito flakes!
Introducing "Kabocha Okaka Salad," a not-too-sweet kabocha salad recipe. The natural sweetness of the kabocha is added with mayonnaise for richness and creaminess, and soy sauce and bonito flakes for a sharp Japanese taste.
Material ( Serves 3-4 people )
pumpkin 1/4 of a piece
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
soy sauce 1 teaspoon
katsuobushi 1.5g (0.18oz)
salt (i.e. sodium chloride) small quantity
Kabocha Okaka Salad" recipe with Japanese flavor

Introducing "Kabocha Okaka Salad," a not-too-sweet kabocha salad recipe. The natural sweetness of the kabocha is added with mayonnaise for a rich and creamy taste, and soy sauce and bonito flakes for a sharp Japanese taste.

Kabocha Okaka Salad Recipe

Ingredients (3-4 servings

) 1/4 pumpkin
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2.5 g bonito flakes
A pinch of salt

Kabocha Okaka Salad Directions

Remove seeds from pumpkin with a spoon and cut into 2 cm cubes. Place the pumpkin skin-side down in a frying pan or other pot, pour in enough water to cover the pumpkin, cover with a lid, and place over medium heat.

Kabocha Okaka Salad" recipe with Japanese flavor

When the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and boil the pumpkin for 6 to 7 minutes until softened and drain.

Kabocha Okaka Salad" recipe with Japanese flavor

Put the pumpkin in a bowl or Tupperware container and mash to desired coarseness using the back of a fork. Add mayonnaise, soy sauce and bonito flakes and mix well.

Kabocha Okaka Salad" recipe with Japanese flavor

Season with salt to taste and refrigerate until ready to serve.

How does the kabocha okaka salad taste?

The mayonnaise adds richness and creaminess to the natural sweetness of the pumpkin. The soy sauce and bonito flakes give it a sharp Japanese taste.

Kabocha Okaka Salad" recipe with Japanese flavor

The taste is not dry and is perfect for summer. This recipe is recommended for those who do not like overly sweet pumpkin salads.